Ncam Reality 2021.1.5
We’d like to inform you that Ncam-Reality 2021.1.5 is now available.
It has only been a week since we released Ncam-Reality 2021.1.4, but thanks to our customers’ continuous feedback, we have detected some inconsistencies when auto reloading the last project on boot up, on very rare occasions. We are happy to say this has been improved and secured in 2021.1.5.
For a full changelog please contact
We advise our customers to request a copy of Ncam-Reality 2021.1.5 via
Alternatively you can call the following numbers (Monday – Friday, 09:00 – 18:00):
Europe, Middle East & Africa: +44 (0)20-3167-3868
North America: +1 323-922-5353
Latin America: +54 11-5984-4086
Asia Pacific: +86 10-5387-5838