
7th June 2021

Ncam Reality 2021.1 Released

Ncam Reality 2021.1

We are very proud to announce the release of Ncam Reality 2021.1 supporting both Mk2 and Mk1 platforms.


What’s changed?

  • Mk2 Camera Bar connected to a Mk2 Server or to a Mk2 Connection Box streaming signals over ethernet to a server running NCR 2021.1 (Mk2 server & Mk1 server)
  • Mk1 Camera Bar connected to a Mk2 Server or to a Mk1 Server

This release is synchronized with the launch of the Mk2 Connection Box. For more information, please see the Mk2 Connection Box.
We have enhanced the web based interface to operate Ncam-Reality remotely from a phone, tablet or any computer on the same network.
It is now easier to recall a project previously created or to create an instant and accurate world alignment from scratch in a matter of seconds.

For a full changelog please contact

Please note: This revision is only certified on the Mk2 Server platform.

We advise our customers to request a copy of Ncam-Reality 2021.1 via

Alternatively you can call the following numbers (Monday – Friday, 09:00 – 18:00):

Europe, Middle East & Africa: +44 (0)20-3167-3868

North America: +1 323-922-5353

Latin America: +54 11-5984-4086

Asia Pacific: +86 10-5387-5838

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